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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why do I feel so sick and tired?

    Im a 27 year old male who works an office job.

    Over that past 6 months I have been getting extremely tired. This has gotten progressively worse as the year continues.

    Accompanied by this is nausea, headaches, blurry vision, difficultly concentrating, thirst, muscle aches and hot flushes with mild sweating and, most recently, difficulty breathing (not clogged airways - just seems hard to do it, like my chest is restrained).

    This has really compromised by ability to work and, since it is getting worse, has made me quite concerned.

    I have had blood tests for diabetes, celiac and anemia but those have come back fine.

    I eat well and exercise regularly.

    Would anyone know what this could be?
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  • Kirsty Woods

    Exercise Physiologist

    Hi I’m Kirsty Woods,I would like to use my experience, expertise and passion to help you reach your weight, energy and health goalsI have been … View Profile

    The syptoms you describe may be attributed to a variety of factors. I strongly recommend you visit your Gp for examination. 

  • 1


    Leah Marshall is a multi-book Author, Compassionate Transformational Coach, podcaster & founder of RecliamME! Programs. Her mission is to help adults navigate their Crossroad moments. … View Profile

    Hi there,

    I here you when you are saying you are feeling tired, achie, shortness of breath etc.  It is unnerving, and frustrating when the body doesn't do what we think it should.  

    Firstly, you mentioned that you are in an office job.  My questions to  this are:

    1. Are you able to get up and walk around a bit every hour or so to ‘wake the body up’  Even a little bit of movement will move the blood and since the brain needs it more than the other body parts for a sedantry job, you need to be sure the blood gets there, so walk for min 5 minutes each hour. 
    2. Do you like your job, or are you starting to be bored, any other negative feeling around the position.  Held down emotions are very draining, and so haveing a really good look at your response to the job, the environment and the people and looking to see what you can or can't change.  If you can't physically change the location/job etc, you can choose a difference response to the situation.  Gratitude that you have one, and all the little things the job gives you.  Does it give you some sense of freedom to purchase the things you like in your home life?  does i bring you into contact with people, and challenges if it is your thing.  Look at the situation with new eyes and you might be surprised.  This too can bring about body change and create new opportunities as well. 
    3. What are you eating?  You mention that you eat well.  This however means different things to different people and sitting down all down is not ideal for the body - see point 1.  Fresh fruit, nuts, salads, whole foods feed the body and help the body do its thing.  Processed, packets, cakes, basically what used to be treat foods puts more strain on the body.  Puts chemicals and kj in, which may not be processed easily by the body.  Body fat in excess also puts a strain on the rest of the body and reduces its ability to look after itself easily.  Therefore have a look through some basic cook books for inspirations.  The CSIRO, Paleo or Raw for ideas. You will notice that i have given a broad snapshot of possiblities for inspiration.  The take home point is “Fresh is best, and the least processed the better”
    4. I have also noticed with some clients that they have a sensitivitiy to some naturally occuring chemicals in foods, even healthy, fresh foods, which can really be frustrating - doing all the right things, and stil feeling ughhh.  It would be worth speaking with a Dietitian who can guide you through testing for chemical sensitivites.  Keep in mind, these can also wax and wane at various times of stress, relaxation etc so fortunately it may not always be so. 
    5. How much water are you drinking.  Water is essential for thinking and helps immensly with concentration.  Water hydrates, flushes and thins the blood so that the blood can move freer through the body.  It also helps to remove the chemicals and wastes so that the body isn't clogging up.
    That is my essay for this week.  If you would like more detailed discussion to help yourself, feel free to contact me.  Sometimes, just a check , chat and slight change can help alleviate worry and things may settle on their own accord depending on the probelm. 

    To your health. 

  • 1


    I am an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) who loves to provide simple, practical and relatable advice to inspire positive nutrition.  With a love for good food, my … View Profile

    Hi there,

    I definately agree that you should seek medical advice (GP?), tightness in the chest should be investigated further.  Maybe however, your situation is not nutritionally focused?

    Is your job stressful?  Or have you had an experience recently or previously experienced, a situation which may have cause some stress?  Anxiety and stress can be a cause of some of the symptoms you have described.

    Best wishes!

  • Anonymous

    Have you been tested for Glandular Fever? If you've had Glandular fever in the past couple of years you may have Chronic Fatigue syndrome.

  • Anonymous

    Have they done any  tests for your thyroid function.  

    Also you may want to get a sleep study test done to see if you may have a sleeping disorder 

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