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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners


    I was assaulted in 2002 resulting in Meniere's. Symptoms of distortion of sound within 4 days of the assault, then vertigo within 3 weeks. MRI normal, Acoustic testing confirms Meniere's. Occupational physician retried has speculated causative "a progressive degenerative neurological condition no treatment no cure". My concern is possible early dementia though I have age related issues with memory etc no obvious separation from the possum. Some loss of maths and other cognitive tasks but still capable. Of specific concern is a swallowing disorder 2005, and recently trouble with cramping in left and right calf, server, resulting in muscle damage, and inability to walk normally for 3-4 days if it occurs in stride. Neurological induction test normal facets appear normal. Have a previous 1984 L4 left transverse fracture and recently identified a L3 herniation. Cramping in left foot, resulting in injury to the Achilles whilst on a holiday in rural India 1999.
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