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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    I found pod like like substance in my stool,please advise?

    I am not officially diagnosed with anything yet, but I wanted to know if this was part of it. I have a family history. I wanted to pick your brains. Obviously all aren't doctors, but I wanted to know if its something I should even worry about? Here is my problem... So a couple months ago after using the bathroom, I noticed a pod like substance in my stool... never had seen something like this in my life. It was yellow/brownish and seemed like a gummy like substance, I did take it out to examine it and I poked it with something and it was a little firm. Thought nothing of it, but it's happened again over the past few months and this morning I had another and I just thought, you know what? I'm gonna see what is inside. So I used something to open it up, and it's filled with all this white powder substance.
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