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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can a chiropractor help me with pain from lower back to my foot?

    I been having pain around my tail-bone area and lower back, hips around pulling the pain goes through to my back of my foot and ankle from a fall on carpet floor last year.

    I have had manipulation done with my tail bone when its showed up 90 degree bend on x-ray and 3 cortisone injections around my tail bone area last year.

    I have had 1 cortisone Facet Joint Injection /or Medial Branch Block into my nerve after EMG and NCS tests.

    I am still experiencing pain problem with sitting, lying flat. There is pain throughout my lower body

    With nerve damage and disc distraction; can a chiropractor fix my pains without having surgery as several MRIs did not show up anything.

    I have tried physio and it did not help much.

    I am taking all sorts of pain killers for the pain which has created period pains and problems with sleeping.

    I am currently trying herbs and acupuncture.
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  • Located in Armadale and Doncaster, Dr Michael Black has an interest in childrens' health and pregnancy. He is passionate about sharing the benefits of chiropractic … View Profile

    It is unclear what the source of your pain is with the information given although you have detailed some of the treatment you received. Your description of your tailbone having a 90 degree bend seems quite relevant and together with the history of a fall, seems to indicate the development of nerve pressure.

    The medical care you have received indicates that others also believe you have neural inflammation and have attempted to relieve this. You have asked about disc distraction and this is one technique that chiropractors can use for a disc bulge or protrusion although you indicated your MRI did not reveal anything wrong.

    May I suggest that until a thorough biomechanical evaluation has been performed by a chiropractor, osteopath or physiotherapist who can establish if joint dysfunction is present, the true nature of the nerve pain you are experiencing remains undiagnosed.

    The history, examination and all test results to date need to be assessed and a rational plan of action made to deal with the injury and the injured tissues or joints. I suggest that an accurate diagnosis has not yet been made.

  • Do you suffer from chronic lower back pain or neck pain? Based in SYDNEY, Sandra is 1 of ONLY 15 Physiotherapists in Australia with ADVANCED … View Profile

    Sorry to hear about your problem and that physio did not help.  My suggestion is to seek the help of a McKenzie Method physio.  They have post-grad qualifications in back and neck pain.  It is NOT general physio and I would suggest you would probably get some help there.

    GOOGLE … The McKenzie Method.  You need to see someone who is trained in this method. NOT a general physio.  Hope this helps…

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