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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How do you get tested for rested legs syndrome?

    I have spent many nights unable to sleep, due to my legs feeling completely restless, and like they continuously need to be stretched..yet nothing relieves the feeling. It could last hours, and happens most nights. Is there a way to get tested for Restless Legs Syndrome? i just recently heard of it, and am sure it is what i have had all these years.. i want to know how to find out what it is, and what i can do about it?
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    Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is diagnosed by symptoms rather than by doing tests. The 4 major symptoms are:

    1. A strong urge to move your legs
    2. Symptoms that start or get worse when you are inactive
    3. Relief with movement
    4. Symptoms that start or get worse in the evening

    If you have these symptoms, then most likely you have restless legs syndrome. The first step is to see your general practitioner (GP) to discuss your symptoms. They may do some testing to make sure there are not other medical problems contributing to restless legs symptoms such as low iron levels or problems with the nerves in the legs or feet. They may also be comfortable starting you on treatment, or alternatively may refer you to a specialist sleep physician.
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