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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Ages 9-12: what are the important milestones?

    What important developments occur in children ages 9-12?
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    Debra has 28 years experience applying Psychology in Education & the Child Protection System as a Registered Teacher (UK, Singapore & QLD), Chartered Educational Psychologist … View Profile

    Physically: they will look more adult like, will develop more strength, skill and coordination and take more risks.
    Socially and emotionally: tweens will seek more independence, challenge parents, become more aware sexually, are more likely to express embarrassment, girls tend to reach puberty, have a strong desire to be part of a group, more aware of popular culture and need to have their opinions valued.
    Thinking and reasoning skills: more logical, abstract thinking, concentration on topics of interest improves, begins to argue and debate, can have an appreciation of monetary value, can tell the difference between reality and fantasy, begins to worry about life and death issues.

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