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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I manage the pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome?

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    Northside Hand & Upper Limb clinic has been operating for over 18 years in the northern suburbs of Brisbane and Caboolture. It is staffed by … View Profile

    First you need to confirm that it is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Then if it is CTS there are various conservative and surgical interventions. As a Hand Therapist if the CTS is mild I will treat it differently to if it is moderate or severe. If it is mild and thus mainly troubles you at night a night resting splint often decreases the pressure in the CT by keeping your wrist in a neutral position. If your CTS is triggered by making a clenched fist for less than 60 seconds then the splint needs to include the MCP joints of your fingers, so that you will only be able to flex and extend the first two joints at night in the splint. Along with the splint nerve gliding exercises and CT stretches can assist. Decreasing the exacerbating activities will help too. Wearing a 1/2 fingered padded glove such as the Dr Spitzer CT glove may also help for gripping tasks. Your local Hand Therapist can help with all these things.

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    Dr. Adam Arnold received his chiropractic degree from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City MO in 1995. Dr. Arnold has been practising as a chiropractor … View Profile

    As Dr. Clerke pointed out, make sure it is Carpal Tunnel.  In my experience, often times the pain in the wrist is actually due to a problem further up the nerve pathway in your elbow, shoulder or neck.  As a quantum neurologist, I would suggest to have a full examination on the nerves as they exit your spine.  I have seen many cases where the nerves going to the hand are weakened can be rehabilitated with Quantum Neurology and often the patient will experience complete resolution of carpal tunnel pain.  

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