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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    My boyfriend lost his dad and our relationship has changed

    My boyfriend lost his dad 5 months ago, he was close with him. It didn’t fully hit him until November and he has changed. I knew it would happen and I expected it to happen and I have been there in any way he wants me to be.

    Recently he has started to shut me out, doesn’t tell me anything, has stopped talking to me through out the day. He recently told me he’s lost and hates life and that he shuts his emotions off so he doesn’t do anything stupid. He’s a good man and we match well together. He went from talking to me, to hardly talking, eating and sleeping.

    I’m at a loss of what to do, he tells me he doesn’t talk to me about things because he doesn’t want me to feel helpless. I have PTSD from my ex and I feel like it’s coming out during this time and I have a lot of fears and trust issues starting to form.

    How can I be there for him and also get rid of my insecurities that I’m feeling and not put them on him?
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