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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (SONK) reoccur?

    Diagnosed 2013, knee drilled 2014 with excellent results. I've had no pain or swelling since 2015. Now I'm getting same symptoms back and nothing is easing the problem
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    Lisa Hawkins

    HealthShare Member

    I have the same problem but had 4 joints affected. I have been told that if more than 40 percent of the bone is dead, you will end up with total replacement. Drilling is prolonging the inevitable. It's good you have got an extra couple of years. A standard X-ray will show if knee joints are starting to collapse or cat scan will give you more information as to the health of the bones. Good luck, I'm just starting the journey. Let's know how you go.

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