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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why I am not recovering from the achillies tendon tear?

    I was diagnosed with a intrasubstance tear measuring 18x6 with in my Achilles and a medial gastrocnemius muscle tear 34x9. I was in plaster for a week then it was removed I was then told to resume normal activities and not to use crutches. I had 2 1/2 weeks off work now I am back and in tremendous pain. Unfortunately I have to wait another 2 weeks to see a physio through the hospital. I don't know if what I have been told is right and I am afraid if re-tearing it. Can someone please give me some advice?
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  • Brian Lee


    I graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2004 and have worked in various healthcare settings, including primary care, private practice and community health services, … View Profile

    It's bit unusual for someone to advise such quick return to activities, when you consider muscle takes around 6 weeks to heal, and additional time and treatment required to bring the state of muscle back to normal function. I would suggest minimum activities for now and use of crutches so that minimum pain is perceived when you walk. You will need to be re-assessed to determine what's the cause of this pain, could be nothing major or something sinister, ie like further damage to muscle as you suggested.

  • Dr Andrew Knox

    Podiatric Surgeon, Podiatrist (General)

    Dr. Andrew Knox is one of the most-highly qualified foot specialists in Australia, holding both a Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine and a Doctorate of Clinical … View Profile

    Judging by the dimensions you have given they are quite substantial tears you have sustained. It would be best to remain non-weightbearing for the timebeing (e.g. crutches) and seek out further input from a local specialist. Depending on the location of the tear(s) you may need a prolonged period of immobilisation or even surgery. Oral anti-inflammatory tablets may help to assist with any acute pain, but be sure to check with your GP and/or pharmacist prior to taking any medications. Kind regards

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