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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why wont pain stop after lateral release surgery?

    I had lateral release surgery on my right knee 2 weeks ago and my surgeon said that my pain would be far less after surgery. This is not the case. My pain is constant and I cant weight bare yet. I am taking pain tablets constantly and its getting me down. I had high hopes for this surgery.
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    Jonathan Harris is a Titled Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist having achieved Master Degrees in both fields. As well as his undergraduate Physiotherapy degree he also … View Profile

    Pain is an interesting phenomena. It comes about for all different reasons, which are probably beyond the scope of the answer you might be looking for here. What I would suggest is going back to see the surgeon. Normally, you should be able to WB 2 weeks after this type surgery. If you are unable to see your surgeon then get to a good physiotherapist or sports physiotherapist. We are trained specifically in the rehabilitation of this type of injury and surgery. The more experienced the therapist you see will mean they are able to give you better advise and move your rehabilitation in a direction that might speed recovery. I hope this helps. Good luck, Jono.

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