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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Is migraine the likely reason for hearing something like a whip crack?

    Followed by severe headache, nausea, vomitting, blood nose, numbness on the left side of my face, together with light and sound sensitivity. Consulted a GP after the nose bleed. Prescribed Relpax and Nexium. Should I be doing more to investigate the cause?
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  • Dr Michael Cohen, Chiropractor is co-founder of the Chirosports Group one of Australia's leading groups of Chiropractors working together since 1994. Dr Michael Cohen Chiropractor … View Profile

    This sounds like a series of events that merits further investigation.

    My suggestion would be to consult with a local Chiropractor who will be able to assess you for nervous system interference or subluxation.  This process will assess whether you have a joint tightness or lock that is blocking nerve flow and leading to your symptoms.

    Sometimes a hearing issue as you've indicated and migraine, vomiting, light sensitivity can be the combination of upper cervical subluxation in the C1, C2 & C3 region.  Not always, but, you may want to have this checked.  This would entail a thorough assessment before treatment.  Chiropractic care is gentle and regularly effective for the symptoms you have experienced.

    If you would like further information on how Chiropractic treatment may help, you are welcome to contact me to discuss.

    Dr Michael Cohen, Chiropractor

  • Ryan Hislop is the Clinical Director at the Orange Chiropractic Health and Wellness Centre. As an experienced and evidence-based diagnostician, Ryan works largely by medical … View Profile

    I agree with Dr Cohen, hearing a large sound may be something as simple as the cavitation of a joint, but may also be the sign of a more sinister process.

    Get checked by your local chiropractor.

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