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  • Shared Experiences

    medication side effects or bouts of anxiety and depression?

    I have tried anti depressants, anti psychotic medications and all with bad side effects - sleepiness, insomnia, weight gain, loss of sex drive etc. But then the alternative isn't that great either. Cycling between anxiety, depression, happiness and inertia. Is there ever going to be a middle ground? I can't seem to find one. I meditate daily and that seems to be the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. I have a loving partner, great career and a life time of possibilities, but what would my life be like if I could be consistent? What would it be like not to pull out of social occasions, not to dread daily that something bad is around the corner. What if I could have a full life? I don't know what else to try.
    • 1 comment
    • Joe Gubbay
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  • Joe Gubbay

    Clinical Psychologist, Counsellor, Psychologist, Psychotherapist

    I have worked in public hospitals as well as private practice over the past 25 years. As a clinical psychologist I treat depression, social anxiety, … View Profile

    Hi, I'm not sure whether you've tried psychological treatment, but if you haven't I'd definitely give that a try.  While psychological approaches aren't the first choice for Bipolar Disorder, psychological treatment is the most effective way to treat anxiety, and is at least as effective as medications in treating major depression.  If you ask your doctor for a referral, up to 10 sessions will be at least partly covered by Medicare.  You can find a suitable psychologist in your area here:

    The style of treatment I would recommend is cognitive behavioural therapy.  That approach has the strongest evidence to support it.  You'll learn ways to straighten out your thinking so you're not getting bogged down by unnecessary negative thoughts - and negative emotions.  You'll also see whether there are changes to your behaviour that can reduce anxiety and increase your level of contentment.  

    And it's great that meditation is helpful.  

    I hope things do improve for you.


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