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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are signs and symptoms of food allergies?

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    I am an anti-ageing/wellness expert and author of ‘Eternal Health,’ and ‘You have the power.’ I have appeared on radio and television and currently have … View Profile

    Reactions to foods like a rash or a swollen tongue or bloating can be immediate or they can be less obvious like the development of fatigue or headaches or a host of other health complaints.  Identifying which foods cause these problems can involve either the use of elimination and challenge testing with the  possible offending foods or a series of blood tests or even breath tests, which are used to isolate fructose and lactose intolerances.  You would need to find a practitioner who is aware of the appropriateness of all these different investigations.

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    I have been a paediatric registered nurse for over twenty years. I am trained asthma educator, early childhood nurse and currently work in the area … View Profile

    The signs and symptoms of food allergies are generally classed into two different types, a mild to moderate allergic reaction or a severe (anaphylactic) reaction which has the potential to become life threatening. 
    Mild to moderate food allergy symptoms are sweeling of lips, face or eyes, hives or welts over the body, tingling mouth, vomiting or stomach pains. 
    Anaphylaxis or severe allergic symptoms are difficult or noisy breathing, swelling of the tongue, swelling or tightness in the throat, difficult talking or a hoarse voice, wheezing or coughing, dizziness or collapse or going pale and floppy in young children. 
    Food allergic symptoms usually occur within minutes of ingesting a food one is allergic to but can take up to two hours to occur. It is imperative is someone is having anaphylaxis to food that they seek medical help immediately by calling an ambulance or if they have an adrenaline auto-injecting device that it is used and their anaphylaxis action plan is followed. 
    It is imperative to have food allergies diagnosed correctly by a specialist in this area, by using clinical history and skin prick testing. 
    Food intolerances are very different to food allergies and the treatment is different as well as the investigations. 
    For furhter information, please refer to

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