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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are food allergies?

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    Specializing in weight reduction, diabetes and cholesterol management, high blood pressure, GIT disorders - including IBS, coeliac disease, food intolerance and food chemical sensitivity, childhood … View Profile

    A food allergy occurs when there is an abnormal reactionby your immune system to a component in food, usuallya protein. Your immune system responds by generatingantibodies, which can trigger symptoms such as hives(a type of skin rash), swelling around the mouth, vomitingor diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, collapsing, or anaphylaxis(a very severe allergic reaction). Total avoidance of theproblem food is the only solution to a food allergy.Food allergy is most commonly seen in early childhood,and occurs in around 5% of children. Food allergy is usually‘outgrown’ during childhood, except for allergies to nuts,seeds and seafood. About 1% of adults have a food allergy

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