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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why do we get back pain?

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    I have started experiencing worsening pain in my back, but I do not have a physical job and I am only in my 30's, so I am not sure why I have started getting pain?
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    Dr Bhishampal Singh

    Orthopaedic Surgeon

    Dr Bhisham Singh is an orthopaedic surgeon with a special interest in spine surgery. He is experienced in treating cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine issues. … View Profile

    80% of the adult population will develop a significant episode of back pain at some stage during their lifetime. Fortunately, most of these episodes are self-limited and improve spontaneously without treatment. Approximately 10-20% will have recurrent episodes of pain and some will develop significant chronic back pain symptoms. Acute back pain from muscle strain and soft tissue tears heal spontaneously. Out of the small proportion of the population who do get recurrent or chronic pain, the most common underlying reason is degeneration of the supportive tissues of the spine, such as the disc, ligaments, and so on. Acute back strain, lack of exercise, poor flexibility, poor posture, and smoking tend to aggravate the underlying conditions and cause symptoms. Symptoms may be mechanical, related to the stability of the spine, or neurogenic because of involvement of the nerves, or due to a combination of both mechanical and neurogenic causes. Uncommon causes of back pain include trauma, infection, and tumours.

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    Leah's mission is quite simply to help others take steps to walk their life journey. We have four primary 'parts' creating our life experiences. The … View Profile

    Hi there, 

    Pain of any sort is the body's warning signal and the body is effectly asking you to take note, change habits to protect it better.  Now the challenge is what are the contributing factors. 

    Dr Bhisham Singh has mentioned many of the common factors, but I will add in a few more:

    • Nutrient deficiency, in particular minerals 
    • Eating trigger foods, such as chemicals in food processing, flavors and for some naturally found in healthy foods. 
    • Leaky gut, or gut translocation and the nerve/immune systems being triggered and firing off inflammation chemicals. 
    • referred pain from gut inflammation 

    How to address these? 

    • Address habits. 
    • Stretches and light exercise to stimulate lymphatic and blood supply, building into corrective exercises for the core.
    • Look at your eating patterns, and have them assessed by a trained Dietitian who's interested in gut health.
    • Ensure you are consuming enough nutrients to support liver, bowel and kidney elimination of wastes and toxins. 
    • Stress management to down regulate nerve/immune triggering of inflammation.
    • Hypnotherapy or psychotherapy to address hidden cellular issues. 

    Rebuild your body with healthy choices and ensure you look after your bones, muscles, ligaments and most of all our mind. 

    Reach out and ask individual questions if you wish, or check out my programs at


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    Dr Ben Schutte


    I am a vitalistic chiropractor. Vitalism as a concept, in part, means that the whole is much more than the some of the parts. The … View Profile

    There will definitely be a cause for your back pain. In fact many people blame the last thing they did as the root cause of their back pain. Often it’s just a case of the “last straw that broke the camel’s back” . There are often multiple events that are occurring collectively or in summation that overloads pain sensitive structures. A detailed history and examination should highlight the factors responsible for back pain. Chiropractors are eminently qualified to begin this journey for you.

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