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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What does my back pain and leg tingling mean?

    I have a tingling sensation in the front of my left thigh that I believe is related to a back pain from work.

    I got an MRI done but my GP said apparently there is nothing of concern.

    I have a throbbing and tingling pain down the front of my left thigh and dont know what to do.
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    Daniel is a graduate of Macquarie University with Master of Chiropractic. His strong interests in human anatomy mixed with sports has lead him into the … View Profile

    Pain radiating down the leg can be caused by a number of issues, whilst commonly it can be related to some kind of pressure on a spinal nerve root, the pain can also be attributed to pressure placed on peripheral nerves. In this case based on the location of the pain, there is possibly some sort of irritation to the femoral nerve. However the pain can also be related simply to a tear of strain to the quadriceps muscle group. If the MRI is negative, I would advise a visit to a Chiropractor or Physiotherapist, for an orthopedic examination so the root of the problem can be determined.

  • Sandra McFaul


    Do you suffer from chronic lower back pain or neck pain? Based in SYDNEY, Sandra is 1 of ONLY 15 Physiotherapists in Australia with ADVANCED … View Profile

    Tingling generally means that something is pressing on a nerve. 

    What to do? 

    See a trained McKenzie Method Physiotherapist - they will perform a mechanical assessment with the aim of finding ONE key exercises that you can do to relieve and reduce the throbbing and tingling pain. 

  • Linda Bos

    HealthShare Member

    I am nearly 60  have polycytic overy syndrome  . i am in cronic pain and cannot walk far  . and fat . not diabetic . am in to hard basket . nirve pain in feet and lower legs female had hysterectamy at 35y.

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