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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    I do not see that getting therapy will help me and I do not think I want to?

    Its one thing after another thrown at me. They are not small things and I have just had enough. I have spoken to people as I am trying now but I just cant stand the thought of being knocked down again. I have zero people in my life. Nobody!
    I am financially stuffed and they are the small things.
    Theres another day tomorrow and I dont want to be here to see it. I have already started that process and cant see a reason to change that.
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  • My research interests include immunology and the mechanisms of amyloid formation. The latter has implications for people who are dealing with Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease … View Profile

    It sounds like you are having suicidal thoughts and have worked out a plan.

    *Please* do one or both of these things:

    Phone LifeLine (13 11 14) - it is available 24/7 and there will be people there who can help.

    Go to the A&E of your nearest hospital - all that matters right now is that you are in a safe place.

    Please do one or both of those things.

  • Dr Joanne Dennison

    Counselling Psychologist, Counsellor, Psychologist, Psychotherapist

    Psychologists use evidence-based treatment methods. That means scientific research has shown that the therapeutic approaches used by psychologists lead to improved psychological/emotional health. With this in mind, you should ask yourself why you do not think it can help you. Embarking on therapy whilst holding such beliefs may be detrimental to you, and affect the likelihood of you making treatment gains.

    It is common to be nervous about engaging in therapy, as doing so is likely to lead you to feeling vulnerable. With the feelings associated with vulnerability often considered unpleasant, it is understandable why you may want to avoid them. However, being supported by your psychologist whilst experiencing vulnerability is part of the therapeutic process that can lead to treatment gains.

    Feelings of uncertainty about the therapeutic process and potential benefits of engaging in treatment, forms a great personal barrier for you to try therapy. It is not uncommon to feel ambivalent about counselling. Understanding what it involves would allow you to make an informed decision about whether to engage. Having a session to discuss your ambivalence with a psychologist may help. The psychologist can assist you to explore what underlies it, thereby helping you to decide whether you wish to go forward with treatment.

  • My question to you would be what is important in your life that your illness or recent state of being has inhibited your interaction within or with your way of life?
    Also I would suggest to talk about the importance, the value, of those relationships and the things that you like to do in your life. What you have not been doing lately because of this particular feeling that you have. You may need to address a gap between that place that you would like to be, with what you value doing and the way that your present behavior and present way of being is.
    With that in mind, maybe that then suggests you wish to do something about it, like coming along to a therapist, might be an idea.

  • To be honest, I just feel gutted for you reading your question. It sounds like you're in a world of pain and feel completely alone.

    If your pain feels intolerable and seems inescapable, then I don't blame you for thinking about suicide. Anyone in your shoes would. 

    It also sounds like there's a part of you that doesn't want to accept defeat and is willing to do just about whatever it takes. But you just don't quite believe that things really can get better, so it seems like more unnecessary pain to even try.

    Although you feel alone, you wouldn't even believe how many people there are who work in caring professions who want to help you get better and live a full and meaningful life. Not only do they want to help, but the evidence shows that they actually can help. 

    As Simon said, at this point if you're seriously planning suicide, you need to get crisis support before you even start trying to figure out what to do next. This is the greatest act of self-care you can do right now.

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