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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I tell if my child may have a food allergy?

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  • I have been a paediatric registered nurse for over twenty years. I am trained asthma educator, early childhood nurse and currently work in the area … View Profile

    If your child is allergic to a specific food, they would have an allergic reaction when they ate it. They would demonstrate signs and symmptoms such as vomiting, hives on their skin, swelling or redness around their eyes, lips or face. They may have more severe allergic symptoms such as breathing difficulties, wheezing, coughing or swelling or tightness in their throat. Food allergy symptoms usually occur within minutes of ingesting the food but may take up to 2 hours. If you think your child is having a allergic reaction to a food, you must seek medical advice. If your child can eat certain foods and none of the signs and symptoms i have described occur then they are not allergic to that food. 

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