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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    I don't want to go on the pill what can I do?

    My specialist did a lap in Feb this year and diagnosed Endo. He was very vague about it. I am a nurse midwife and like to know details but he just fobbed me off said he “burnt off what he could see” and I have to go on the pill. I have had bad experiences on the pill over the years, now 29, I know my body and the pill doesn't help my pain and the side affects outweigh any possible benefits. I feel lost and hopeless now as my pain s still bad, and I feel maybe he has missed some Endo implants, possibly on my bladder or bowel as I still get major urinary frequency, pain in bladder/ pelvic area when trying to urinate, intestinal pain when trying to pass stools, constant pelvic, lower back and leg pain from ovulation right through to end of period (2 weeks straight every month I miss work). I have tried naturopaths, changed my die, currently seeing a Chinese doctor / accupucturist. Please help. Can anyone recommend a specialist accommodating to not been on the pill? What should I do. :(
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    Dr David Rosen

    Gynaecologist, Laparoscopic Surgeon

    Dr David Rosen is a Specialist Endoscopic (Keyhole) and Robotic Surgeon with expertise in; Prolapse and Incontinence surgery, Endometriosis, menstrual disorders including complicated Hysterectomies by … View Profile

    There are a number of issues to consider in your case.

    1. I am troubled by the surgeon telling you “we burnt off what we could see”. I have responded to other posts in this forum and I, as a laparoscopic surgeon, am very wary of doctors “burning off” endometrisosis,. Endometriosis may be superficial but may also invade deeper into tissue beneath. Unless it is completely excised, not “burnt off”, you cannot be certain it has been adequately treated. Given that your symptoms are unchanged I suggest unfortunately it was inadeqautely treated initially

    2. That said, having endometriosis means you will always have some degree of discomfortt with your mesntrual periods. It should however be much less than before surgery

    3. If it has been conpletely excised and you don't want to use the pill, the Progesterone IUD (Mirena) is a good option for contraception and Menstrual / pain control

    Unfortunately however your story to me sounds like you should have repeat laparoscopy, with a surgeon who specializes in management of severe endometriosis.

    Best wishes and good luck

  • Megsvira

    HealthShare Member

    Hi Dr. Rosen,
    You mentioned in your answer that there are surgeons who specialize in severe endometriosis, I was just wondering if there is an easy way of finding these specialists?
    I have had recurrent, severe endo for over ten years now (resulting in removal of my fallopian tubes and more surgery to come),  and have had gynaecolgists and surgeons that have been just as blasie and uncaring as the ones mentioned in the above quesiton.
    How do we find the best doctors and care???
    Thank you

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