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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the risk factors for surgery for Crohn’s disease?

    I am scheduled to have surgery next month for Crohn’s disease. Are there any risks involved? What are some of the positive and/or negative side effects I may experience?
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    For more than 25 years, Crohn’s & Colitis Australia™ (formerly the Australian Crohn’s and Colitis Association) has been making life more liveable for more than … View Profile

    There are risks with any type of surgery and can include infection, wound breakdown, respiratory and clotting problems, bleeding, accidental perforation and bowel obstruction.  Fortunately these sorts of problems are not a frequent occurrence.  The most positive effect from surgery for Crohn’s is that it gives you the chance to be well and back on track with your life.  It can result in remission lasting several months or even years, although you may need to keep taking some form of maintenance medication.  Negative effects includes feeling a bit sore following surgery and tiring easily, but this is temporary.  In the longer term and depending on which part and how much of the intestine is being removed there may be some functional and absorption problems.  Adhesions can also develop and become a problem.  In stoma surgery there are other considerations.  Make sure you raise any concerns and discuss everything at length with your gastroenterologist and surgeon.   

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