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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can exercise help keep my gestational diabetes under control?

    As I am pregnant I am restricted by what exercises I can do. Are there any recommendations that would assist in managing my diabetes and safe to do during pregnancy?
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  • Jane is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who specialises in nutrition for pregnancy and women's health and has expertise in the management of gestational diabetes. Jane … View Profile

    Exercise will certainly help to control your blood sugar levels. Your muscles use the sugar in your blood when you exercise so you will have lower readings after your meals if you go for a walk in the 2 hours before testing your blood sugars. It is recommended that you try walking after most meals but any amount of exercise will help to lower your blood sugar readings overall. Walking is probably the most convenient and cheapest form of exercise- it should be brisk though, not a wonder around the shops! Many women also enjoy swimming during pregnancy because the buoyancy takes the weight off all joints. Inside exercises using an exercise ball can be great for winter but you should ask your obstetrician if there are any concerns about you doing exercise first.

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