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  • Shared Experiences

    I have a 18 year old son who was diagnosed with severe social anxiety

    I have a 18 year old son who was diagnosed with severe social anxiety . 4 years on and we all still struggle on a daily basis. The hardest issue to cope with now is his inability/unwillingness to seek help for himself. As he so often points out “ I have an anxiety issue so how do you expect me to either pick up the phone or walk through a door and say I need help??”
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  • Clinical Psychologist with expertise treating OCD and Anxiety View Profile

    I am sorry to hear this. Social anxiety poses a unique challenge to suffers, in that, it can prevent them from seeking treatment that involves social contact (e.g. consultations with psychologists, doctors).

    Effective treatments are available for social anxiety. However, all will require your son to avail himself of them to work. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) appears to be the most effective treatment we have for social anxiety and it can be delivered in person (, or online ( The latter may be better suited for you son, currently.

    I hope this is of benefit to you.


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