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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Jaw joint strain and open mouthed snoring

    For the last 3-4 years my jaw joints have felt as though they often become stuck. I have been a loud open mouth snorer. About 12 months ago I awoke to my jaw locked in an almost closed position. By the time I managed to get an appointment with my Dr my jaw unlocked during sleep making a 'pop' sound. My jaw remained locked for almost 24 hours in this instance.

    I have been to see my GP who referred me to a dental prosthetist who took an X-ray, photographs and performed an oral examination of my palate. I used an at-home sleep study machine which returned that I was averaging 19 aponeas per hour. The practitioner recommended a splint style oral device to open my airways.

    My concern is that locking my jaw all night in a splint may worsen the wear on my jaw joints. When I breathe during the day it’s mostly through my mouth as my nose always feels constricted. I am going to see an ENT specialist. Are there any other specialists that I should see to sort this out?
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