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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Has anyone successfully treated nummular eczema with coal tar before?

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    Before I go to my GP with this treatment for my 4yr old son, I was wanting to know if anyone has had this treatment or treated anyone with discoid eczema successfully with tar coal and the side effects they have experienced or seen. This is for his face, forehead down to below his nose and until I hear back for an appointment with the dermatologist, I am trying to find any treatments to bring up or reject so we can put a plan into place ASAP, as this has gone on since Nov last year.
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    Professor Sinclair is a Professor of Dermatology at the University of Melbourne and Director of Sinclair Dermatology. He is past-president of the Australasian Society for … View Profile

    There are 2 forms of coal tar: crude caol tar and licor picis carbonis (LPC).  Both are useful for some forms of eczema on the trunk and limbs but coal tar should not be used on the face.  Folliculitis and skin irritation is common if the concentrationis too strong.  Another alternative isichthammol ointment.

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