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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can I get an EPC for scoliosis related chronic back pain?

    I have experienced chronic back pain since an accident I had as a child. I have been diagnosed with scoliosis. Two years ago a GP gave me a referral to physiotherapist under chronic pain management plan. I have not used that option since my pain got better. However, recently my condition exacerbated due to pregnancy and I was seeking to get an EPC referral again as I am currently under financial stress. However, two different GPs refused to provide it (original GP has left the country), claiming that there is not enough evidence that I have a chronic condition. My health records and Xrays are not available from the previous GP. Is there any option for me being able to obtain EPS for my condition, and if so, what actions would you recommend? Thank you for your response in advance.
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