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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What my be the cause of my ongoing pain and what specialist to see?

    After being rear-ended in MVA in October 2015 have still pain and painful spasms/twitching in neck and lower back. Shooting pains from back down to my knee continue. Hydrotherapy not helping, some relief from medications. Workcover still, however, I need to get back to work as soon as possible. Any suggestions as to why taking so long to heal and what causing the sharp shooting pains. Who should I see?
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    Brian Lee


    I graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2004 and have worked in various healthcare settings, including primary care, private practice and community health services, … View Profile

    You need a clear diagnosis, which you didn't mention in your post, to know what the prognosis is like. Those symptoms you mentioned can be the case of easy fix or some degree of permanent injury. I hope you retain those scans and reports from hospital.

    Hydrotherapy only supposes to help if the issue is spondylolisthesis, poor spinal stability, disc bulge, or just some mild muscle tension. Most of time, hydrotherapy is more about to minimize 'future' irritation, rather than 'fixing' existing damage.

    In regards to shooting pain, it can be spinal nerve from disc, spinal, arthrtic injury, can be muscular either central or local, or combination of what I mention.

    So take my advice, collect those reports and scans you have and see someone competent, either GP or physio, who knows the matrix and explain to you properly re your prognosis.

  • Peter Casey

    Exercise Physiologist, Exercise Scientist

    Mobile Exercise Physiologist with a special interest in musculoskeletal and neuromuscular injuries. We can utilize a number of gym or pool facilities close to patients … View Profile


    It's very hard to say without imaging what is causing the shooting pains as mentioned. "Shooting pain" is often cause by nerve compression or impingement and can also be referred to as neuropathic pain. In general I think seeing a General Practicioner or Physiotherapist who is experienced in musculoskeletal injuries is important. Failing this Rehabilitation or Sports Physicians specialise in injury diagnosis and prognosis.

    Regarding hydrotherapy it's important to note that if the hydrotherapy isn't improving symptoms or function after 6-8 weeks it is important to progress and move toward land based exercises. Hydrotherapy is great initially to improve range of movement and base line strength however it does support about 75% of your body weight and results in decompression of joints and discs so restoring normal loading of joints and discs on land is important to restore normal function. Hope this helps!

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    I was at home when i was experience similar pains. i called a house doctor and the doctor gave me some pain relief

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