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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the options for Iron IV after reaction to infusion?

    I have mild UC and also IBS. I found out about the UC when I got heart related symptoms due to hemoglobin level of 8.5. I was admitted to hospital for a week, found chronic active inflammation in my bowel and had an Iron infusion. During that infusion my arm swelled up and I was itchy but the nurse said it was normal. That boosted my Iron level to 600 and HG up to 15 soon after that, but after 6 months I was down to Iron of 12 and HG again dropping. I was booked in for another Infusion, but when it started going in I got really dizzy and felt all weird, my BP was very high, up to 180 / 130, so it was stopped I had cortisone injections and ever went normal after a few hours. I got no iron into me and the Dr said I can never have another infusion. I have managed to claw back my Iron with low dose Iron tablets (and also smoked Pot for a while, which helped my stomach alot), but if I go low again what are my options ?
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