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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What may be causing a sensation of a lump in throat & throat swelling every few weeks?

    Hello, For the past 2 years I've had this constant feeling as if there is something stuck in my throat. which my GP declared was a gastro reflux and referred me to a specialist, the ENT specialist referred me to a barium swallow test which came out negative (no reflux detected). For the last 10 months I've been getting swollen throat every few weeks. The discomfort/pain usually stays for about 2 weeks before getting back to normal. After spending 7-8 months in this discomfort every few weeks I decided to go and see a ENT specialist again. This new ENT inserted a camera in my throat through my nose and told that he couldn't find anything wrong with my throat and told me that my swollen throat might be connected to my snoring. So now I have just done a sleeping test last week and waiting for result now. Meanwhile I have pain and discomfort in my throat again.
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