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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can somone living in the community buy Resource products direct?

    An acquaintance who is a female octogenarian and who lives at home with her ageing partner complained to me that she has lost too much weight having been very stressed lately and, as my husband is currently on the HENS program (having recently spent a week in ICU and three weeks as an inpatient in rehab), asked me whether she would be eligible to receive Resource and Resource Plus directly through Bright Sky.

    I was wondering whether one has to go through the hospital system to be eligible or whether a dietitican in the community could recommend the supplements. I look forward to your reply.
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  • There a number of nutritional porducts available for people in the community including Resource and Resource Plus. These products can be bought through a pharmacy or a distributor like Bright Star by the general public.

    However I would encourage your friend to see her GP about her weight loss. They may recommend these products and for her to see a Dietitan as well, to ensure she is getting the right nutritional product for her situation.

    In some situations the cost of these products can be subsidised and the Dietitian will know of these situations. If cost of seeing a Dietitian is a problem in some situations Medicare will cover all/ or some of this cost depending if the Dietitian bulk bills or not. Your GP and Dietitian will be able to help your friend.

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