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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Where can I find out more about psoriatic arthritis other than google?

    I am especially interested to learn from others who suffer with the same condition.
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  • 1


    Professor Sinclair is a Professor of Dermatology at the University of Melbourne and Director of Sinclair Dermatology. He is past-president of the Australasian Society for … View Profile

    We are currently recruiting patients with more than 10% of their skin area affected by psoriasis for a phase 3 clinical trial with a new treatment.

    While we are not specifically looking for patients with psoriatic arthrits, some patients with psoriasis of both the skin and joints may benefit.

    For further information, contact Epworth Dermatology in on 03 96542426 

    Professor Rod Sinclair
    Director, Epworth Dermatology

  • 3


    Irwin has been a rheumatologist in Sydney since 2003. He is a co-founder and medical director of BJC Health, which consists of a team of … View Profile

    About 30% of people with psoriasis will develop symptoms at tendons, where they join bones (called entheses), the joints and/or the spine.

    These are manifestations of Psoriatic Arthritis.

    Unfortunately, these are often misdiagnosed as most people don't associate these symptoms with their skin disease.

    Apart from the internet, the doctors who treat and manage psoriatic arthritis are Rheumatologists.

    Hope this helps.

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