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  • Shared Experiences

    Can you suggest a solution for Chronic pain and Depression?

    I once was very fit , confident and enjoyed life, then i had a work accident and slowly my feet and back started to ache. Pain has gotten worse with time where now i can hardly cope with the pain and can only walk about 20-30 meters at best. Then i started to have body aches from head to toe on top of it all,which my doctor explained was my nerves trying to help heal my body.

    The pain problem cant be fixed and pain killers never helped at all even large dose of morphine in a hospital once, and my GP told me i have major depression which is due to the chronic pain and the problems that comes with it all, financial, emotional, down grade of life in general. For the pain my doctor has me on Lyrica which has helped ease some of the pain, But the pain still causes me to be constantly depressed as there is no end to it now or in future, and yes suicidal thoughts are a daily event, but only reason i have not done it is i don't want to hurt my wife and kids.
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    HealthShare Member

    I am on the same boat, more to that I was very upset nothing is working and decide to end then I end up in hospital last month.

    I know exactly how you feel ever since I fell down and injured my lower back at work last year my whole life changed because of the pain.
    I have seen 6 GPs 3 orthopaedics 1 physician 3 physiotherapist 2 psychologists 2 psychiatrists over the past 1 year ever since my injury at work…it feels like hell.
    I have tried all the medications you mentioned before and while I was in hospital as well. I have a very sensitive body build to the oral medications as well, so I ends up vomiting, skin itchy, headache, feeling disgusting most of the time, ulcers in my mouth, heartburn and hard to breath after I swallow the tablets. More to that, I lost 10kg, the medications, pain and my emotion comes to a result of loosing my appetite.
    Therefore, I have decided take actions to this nightmare process and something different for a change. I ask my family to take me to a very experienced Chinese medicine doctor as soon as I got out of hospital that day.
    And I told the Chinese herbal medicine doctor; I have depression, anxiety and very bad pain from my lower back to my bottom of my foot. I need herbs to help me have stable emotions, helps me sleep at night and help me have my appetite.
    Whether anyone believe or not, it is a FACT that the herbs works for my body after trying it for just over one months, taking the herbal tea twice a day. For the pain part, I decided to tried some acupuncture that I never really believed in, I had about 7 sessions now over 3 weeks, I do slowly feel a little difference in terms of the flexibility.
    I did some research as well acupuncture do works well with chiropractor treatments. And I am trying that as well. I just had my first session today so there is not much to tell yet about chronic pain. But I did previously have experience with chiropractor for my headache that my neck is out of alignment from the cause of long hours office working in front of computers.
    On the other hand, I think its very important for my emotions to improve I make sure that I have 2 sessions with my Psychologists every week to help build up strong positive minds and have plans to deal with treatment pains and dealing with family pressures and other pressures that makes my injury in a worse situation.
    I am currently still on a patch (pain killer norspan 5mg) but I still feel a lot of sharp pain every now and then and I am trying to get rid of the addiction I have for this pain killer patch that makes me very anxious if I don’t have it.
    After all these going around in circles of my injury, my plan is to heal my body in the natural way and not taking painkillers for the rest of my life if I can.
    I hope sharing my story helps you, find a treatment/rehab that suits you and would work for your body build. Only you know what you need for your body the most, medical people can only help/advise you to a certain degree from their education knowledge and experiences.

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    As a Physiotherapist for many years, I have a special interest in managing chronic and recurrent pain using exercise. Our small team of Physiotherapists are … View Profile

    'Only you know what you need for your body the most'. I wholeheartedly agree with you about this. There are so many approaches to dealing with chronic pain and depression and it can be overwhelmingly hard to know where to start. You really have to be willing to undertake a journey of exploration to work out what it is that you need and you have to address both mind and body. The best approaches in my opinion are ones that empower you to help yourself, rather than become dependent on a practitioner. I'll add more below and thanks for sharing (:

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    As a Physiotherapist for many years, I have a special interest in managing chronic and recurrent pain using exercise. Our small team of Physiotherapists are … View Profile

    I agree with Kerry. Explain Pain is a fantastic book for understanding WHY the pain doesn't go away. To change the pain you have to change the way your nervous system is operating.

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    Headline Physiotherapy for the Head Neck and Jaw deals specifically with TMJ Facial Pain Headache Migraine and other musculoskeletal issues involving the cranial area. All … View Profile

    The problem of chronic pain and depression can be such a merry go round which is far from merry! There is quite a lot of research now into this area with good results. I would suggest reading a copy of: Explain Pain by Lorimer Mosely and David Butler. Also this link connects to a handy little animation which may help

  • Hi Kevin,

    I further support the responses above, describing the complex nature of chronic pain. 
    Resources from the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute are very useful, and evidence based.

    Understanding the underlying mechanisms of persistent pain is important in developing the best management strategy. The following video is another good resource to help explain the complexity of persistent pain, as well as our current understanding as to how best seek guidence.

    Hope that helps you understand your pain better.

    Luke McManus.

  • My research interests include immunology and the mechanisms of amyloid formation. The latter has implications for people who are dealing with Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease … View Profile

    If you live in or have access to Sydney, the Pain Management & Research Centre, based at Royal North Shore Hospital, is highly regarded.
    This link might help: .

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    I am a Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist who specialises in Adult ADHD, Jungian Psychotherapy, and the Psychological Medicine aspects of Chronic Pain conditions. View Profile

    The Consultant Psychiatrist with training and experience in helping Patients with disabling pain has a great deal to offer. 

    The prescribing and supervision of medications for disabling pain and depression requires a background in Psychiatry in order to achieve an optimal outcome, because the effective doses of these medicines must be highly individualised, and are often optimally used in combination. In addition, management of effective medicine combinations require skilled attention to possible side effects and their management. 

    The list of appropriate medications in these circumstances is daunting for doctors without Psychiatry experience in the Pain Medicine field- what combination from venlafaxine, amitryptaline, pregabalin, gabapentin, duloxetine, sodium valproate, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, diazepam, clonidine, oxycodone, fentanyl, ketamine, etc, etc are appropriate in any particular case? At what doses? For what duration?

    One must not underestimate the value of the professional network coordinating treatments supervised by Clinical Psychologists, such as relaxation training, and meditation techniques, and treatments supervised by Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists, by Anaesthetists with expertise in pain blocking techniques, nor the value of a Solicitor skilled in the field of compensation issues.

    One must also not underestimate the extremely stressful complexities for patients in negotiating Workers Compensation and Transport Accident Commision systems. The Consultant Psychiatrist with expertise in the field of Pain and Depression Management has a vital role in helping the Patient and Patient's Family to negotiate such stresses.


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