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  • Shared Experiences

    I've been diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder.

    I'm finding it harder to control at work,and it's interfering badly there.And I have more suicidal thoughts there.Any advise you can give me that can help me control it will be grateful.I see a psychologist already,she is extremely concerned but I'm not sure she is helping.Today was a extremely bad day.
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    Mariela Occelli

    Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist

    Mariela Occelli is a Clinical Psychologist with well over 20 years experience in the assessment and treatment of clinical disorders. She has worked in private … View Profile

    It may help to explore in greater depth whether your problems at work are specific to it or generally due to increased stress and dissociation because of whatever else may be going on in your life at present, including any issues that you are dealing with in therapy. If the triggers for increased dissociation are specific to work, problem solving to address them is indicated. Also doing some internal work to connect with possible inner conflicts that are being triggered at work and to develop some strategies to help parts act in a more cooperative and cohesive way might be helpful. Engaging particular parts that are struggling, and working out ways to nurture, support and increase mental efficiency for those parts may also be beneficial.
    I hope you find this helpful.
    Mariela Occelli- Clinical Psychologist

  • kim0711

    HealthShare Member

    Hi I'm back.I've been trying my hardest to control everything that is going on in my brain.I'm to tired all the time,it's getting harder to hide it from everyone.What was me constantly talking to myself in my head and out loud is now nearly imposible to control.My identities,want out.I know they are'nt different people inside me,I know they are different parts of me.But! they are getting stronger.At work,they won't stop talking like in a crowded room with all the people talking.Even now,they want to take over and talk.If this is as good as it get's ,I won't be able to handle it for the rest of my life.It's to much activity in my head.Nothing helps,therapy does'nt help.HELP.

  • Mariela Occelli

    Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist

    Mariela Occelli is a Clinical Psychologist with well over 20 years experience in the assessment and treatment of clinical disorders. She has worked in private … View Profile

    It is difficult to offer advise without knowing specifically what goals you are working on in therapy and the strategies that you are using to cope with the symptoms you are describing. However, you may need help to engage the different parts and listen to what they have to say as well as tune-in to the different emotions that are being evoked. (A bit like doing family work) Often the dissociated parts represent different points of view and contain different emotions that you are struggling to reconcile. Working through conflicts between different parts to arrive at strategies that all parts see as benefitial can help you move towards greater internal harmony.


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