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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Is pilates useful for weight loss for diabetic patients?

    I have Type II Diabetes and I need to get my weight under control.
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  • Natalie Murray

    Pilates Instructor

    Natalie has been teaching Pilates since 1996. Her interest in corrective exercise lead her to Pilates. Helping people take back control over their bodies is … View Profile

    Unfortunately, there will be times when you inject your insulin that it will always bruise. There is no correct answer for this question. It is all to do with how quickly you inject your insulin, the length of your needle and whether you are on certain medication that may cause further bruising. The best idea is to have a talk to a diabetes educator and go over how you inject your insulin and then follow what the diabetes educator recommends. Some basic tips include injecting slowly and look at whether you're putting your injection in at a 90 degree or 45 degree angle and what length of needle you use. But unfortunately, there are going to be times that it will always give a bit of a bruise.

  • Lisa Renn


    Lisa is an APD with 12 years experience, specialising in helping people identify and change habits that impact negatively on their health. Inspiring change, Lisa … View Profile

    HI there,
    any exercise is useful for diabetes control as it allows the insulin in your body to work more effectively. Fitness gained through any type of exercise will also lengthen your life so that's a positive!

    However, weight loss is more about what you are eating than the exercise. It's a mistake to think that if you exercise you don't have to think about your food intake.

    So pilates will definitely be of benefit to you but it will need to be done in conjunction with a healthy eating plan. This may mean a decrease in your food portions or a complete overhaul depending on your current food choices.

    An Accredited Practising Dietitan may be your ideal weight loss partner.
    Good Luck!

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