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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Does brain injury cause a child not to grow?

    My son stopped growing as he had bone disorder that stopped him growing as a child he only started growing at 20yld.
    Also does brain injury stop learning progress?
    Does brain injuy cause breathing problems?
    Does brain injury cause imfections as he was in and out of hospital with these systems?
    Does brain injury make you lose memory or systems and more head aches pain?
    Does brain injury cause siss on brain?
    He has not had any tests or screening but got just x ray with cyis on head that pop up go away then a another one pops up and feels like a hard pea and size of pea.
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    A brain injury sustained as a child may impact on a persons development in terms of developmental milestones, cognitive development however shouldn't have an impact on actual physical  growth - depending on the location and severity of the injury. The injury itself wouldn't cause infections but the mechanism of the injury may - ie if it was a penetrating injury or open head injury. Again in relation to cysts - these are most likely a reult of an infection or may be sebascous cysts.Brain injury will affectn memory in most cases and may cause headaches. in any case with any of these symptoms you should be consulting with a doctor for diagnosis and ongoing treatment.

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