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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Which natural treatments can be used to compliment traditional medicine with cervical cancer treatments?

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  • Kaitlin Edin has been in practice since 2009 and has worked in a variety of clinical situations including group and private practice; as well as … View Profile

    If by traditional medicine we mean orthodox, mainstream western medicine treatments; and by natural treatments we mean allied or complimentary therapies; then depending on your particular context and preferences most of the complimentary therapies can be of assistance. Japanese acupuncture, and it's associated therapies of cupping, Moxibustion, and anarecular therapy; as well as herbal medicine, nutritional advice, Kinesiology and massage can all be beneficial for improved health and well-being. It should be said that just because a treatment is natural, doesn't mean that it is either effective or safe. The beauty of acupuncture is it is both safe and effective.

  • Janice Bartley

    Massage Therapist, Western Herbal Medicine Practitioner

    Janice Bartley is a university qualified Medical Herbalist who fosters an evidence-based integrative approach to healthcare. Integrative healthcare focuses on the complexities of each individual’s … View Profile

    No one should be able to answer this question for you without having specific information about your diagnosis and your treatment plan. This is because each person who is diagnosed with cancer is individual and there is no ‘one size fits all’ therapy in complimentary medicine.

    So I urge you - if you are currently being treated for cancer and you wish to explore ways in which complimentary therapies can support your body during the process - find a qualified and experienced practitioner to work with. As Kaitlin said, just because a treatment is natural doesn't mean that it is either effective or safe; it is very important that you have the guidance of a practitioner who understands the nature of your condition and mode of action of the treatments your oncologist is providing you with.

    Certainly, complementary therapists are an integral part of modern multidisciplinary cancer care and have much to offer a person experiencing ill-effects of cancer and its related treatments.

    When you make an appointment with a complementary therapist, particularly a herbalist or naturopath, confirm whether they are willing to communicate with your doctors, if necessary, about your treatment. Also check whether you should bring medical information such as test results, a list of your medications or your conventional treatment plan. This will help the practitioner gain a better understanding of your case and will minimise the risk of them dispensing remedies or providing complementary treatments that might interact with your conventional medicines or treatments.

    For more information on complementary therapies and cancer click here to download a comprehensive booklet from Cancer Council NSW.

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