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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can I drink milk if I have Crohn's?

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    Dung is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who currently works in Community Health and Private Practice as a HACC/CH dietitian and Health Coach. She has also … View Profile

    Milk provides a number of important nutrients including calcium which among other things is important for bone health.

    During flare ups some people with Crohn's disease may experience secondary lactose intolerance where by the body's ability to produce lactase ( enzyme) for breaking down lactose in milk is impaired. During these times a substitute such as lactose free milk/dairy products or rice/oat/almond milk ( Calcium fortified) is recommended.

    Otherwise if you have not previously been diagnosed with lactose intolerance or have had problems with milk then “ yes” you can have milk if you have Crohn's disease

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    Specializing in weight reduction, diabetes and cholesterol management, high blood pressure, GIT disorders - including IBS, coeliac disease, food intolerance and food chemical sensitivity, childhood … View Profile

    Sometimes people with Crohn’s develop secondary lactose intolerance due to inflammation in the small bowel so that the enzyme lactase is not produced. Therefor you will not be able to tolerate the lactose found in milk however it does not happen to every person that has Crohn’s. You need to check to make sure that you have lactose intolerance before you cut out any dairy products.

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