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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Is it normal to have pain 4 mths after surgery to remove endometrioma?

    I have history of painful period but I did not find out that I have endometriosis until the pain extended to beyond period pain. After the surgery, I still have pain post period (not so much unbearable pain but nagging pain in the pelvis area and back).
    I was hoping that the pain will go away after surgery. Is there anything I can do?
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  • Dr David Rosen is a Specialist Endoscopic (Keyhole) and Robotic Surgeon with expertise in; Prolapse and Incontinence surgery, Endometriosis, menstrual disorders including complicated Hysterectomies by … View Profile

    It is not uncommon to experience some degree of ongoing pelvic pain even after surgery for endometriosis. This can be for a number of reaons;
    1. The original surgery was inadequate and did not remove ALL the disease - obviously if this is the case then pain will persist
    2. The endometriosis has recurred - unlikely so soon after treatment if complete
    3. The chronic effect of endometriosis on pelvic pain receptors - having experienced pain in this area for so many years it is unlikely one would ever be completely pain free.

    In our practice many patients have a Mirena IUD inserted at the time of their original surgery to avoid this problem of post-operative pain

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