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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the symptoms of COPD?

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    Lung Foundation Australia was established in 1990 by a group of thoracic physicians concerned about the chronic shortage of funds for research work in respiratory … View Profile

    The symptoms of COPD are shortness of breath, regular cough which produces phlegm and recurring chest infections. 
    A simple lung health checklist will help you to identify whether you might be at risk of COPD.
    If you are 35 years or more, are a smoker or ex-smoker and say yes to any of the following questions, see your doctor for a spirometry test.
    Do you:

    • Cough several times most days?
    • Cough up phlegm or mucus most days?
    • Get out of breath more easily than others your age?
    • Have frequent chest infections?
    • Work or have you worked in a job that exposes/ed you to dust, gas or fumes??
    You can also complete an interactive Lung Health Checklist on The Australian Lung Foundation website at:

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