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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How serious is enlarged prostate?

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    Craig Allingham

    Exercise Scientist, Physiotherapist

    Sports Physiotherapist for over 30 years, now more interested in teaching. Men's Health is my only clinical interest and not just the dangly bits. I … View Profile

    Most enlarged prostate problems are benign, hence the term ‘Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy’ which is medical speak for ‘big prostate but not malignant’.  So while the condition itself represents no direct heath threat it does have secondary risks. 
    For example, the main symptom is frequency of urinating, which is especially obvious during the night as it involves repeatedly getting out of bed. Some blokes are up four, five or six times per night which means they are not getting restful sleep.  This lack of quality sleep is a bigger health risk than the prostate.  Fatigue during the day, on the job or while driving, cranky mood, increased weight and blood pressure changes may be linked to the interrupted sleep pattern.
    Also, and don't laugh, I have seen patients who injured themselves trying to get to the toilet at night without disturbing their partner.  Falls, bumps, and sprains while negotiating dark hallways. Keep a torch beside your bed.
    The frequency can also impact on social contact by decreasing the time and distance blokes are prepared to travel from home and the security of ready toilet access. This limitation may contribute to depression.
    Finally, blokes with BPH are usually getting on a bit, and may have already reduced their physical activity levels, the added prostate issue may reduce this further and impact on health indicators like girth, aerobic fitness, muscle mass and cardiovascular health.
    The treatment for BPH is reasonably safe, accessible and effective.  Chat to your doctor.

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    Dr Tony Gianduzzo is a leader in development and delivery of urological services, and has now introduced Robotic-assisted Transperineal Prostatic Biopsy to the state. His … View Profile

    Of itself, an enlarged prostate is not a problem unless it is causing bothersome symptoms or complications. There is no particular reason to worry about the size of the prostate itself.  Patients with a large prostate do tend to be more likely to develop symptoms, but it's not inevitable. There are numerous effective treatments that can be used if and when problems arise.

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