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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Is erectile dysfunction preventable?

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    I am a European Certified Psycho-Sexologist and a trained Counsellor/Therapist with over 20 years experience, holding Clinical/Level 4 membership of the Australian Counselling Association, one … View Profile

    Erectile issues are common for men, with most men experiecning some form of erectile issue at some stage in their life.  But is it preventable. I see already one post to this question for a “medication” has been posted.  This does not prevent ED only assist with managing the effects  - no erections.  Like msot medications for ED, the problem is not fixed.  It simply assists the body to get an erection.  “Sexy” thoughts still need to occur and there can not be too much nerve damage as may happen in some radical prostectomies.

    To ensure healthy erections exercising the pelvic floor muslces or the pubococcvaeus muscles using Kegels exercises will help (but not prevent).  Regualr cardio work outs and a healthy cardio-vascular system also assist in healthy erections (eat well, no smoking, avoid excessive alcohol and recreational drugs).  What we do now realise in men's health is that mid- to long-term erection dysfunction may be an early indicator of cardio-vascular disease.

    Stay healthy and your erection will stay healthy too.

    Dr Christopher
    Sex & Relationship Therapist

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    Serene Johnson

    Registered Nurse

    While overall health and diet play an important factor in sexual function for men AND women, many people forget that one of the most important factors contributing to ED is something the man cannot control. 

    Circumcision (in particular, childhood circumcision) is associated with a 4.5 times greater incidence of erectile dysfunction in men. Sadly, this cause is often ignored. If you are circumcised, foreskin restoration can offer some protection from ED, but is no guarantee. 

    The reality is that an enormous volume of sensory tissue is removed during a circumcision. how can we not expect this to affect us sexually?


    HealthShare Member

    this is a new thoguth to me. I am glad that we did not allow our boys to be circumcised - eventhough it was culturally expected for us.

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    chaitra chaitu

    HealthShare Member

    My bf ejaculated on my vagina my last period was 12th oct 2014,i had seen in net and calculated ovulation chart my ovulation date was 24 or 25 is there any chances of becoming pregnent

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