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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the treatments for complex regional pain syndrome?

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    Jonathan Harris


    Jonathan Harris is a Titled Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist having achieved Master Degrees in both fields. As well as his undergraduate Physiotherapy degree he also … View Profile

    Complex Regional Pain Syndrom (CRPS) is treated in a number of different ways.  It is treated in a number of different ways because most often there are a number of different factors that are causing the pain (that's one of the reasons it is called ‘complex’).  So, the treatment method really depends on what works for the patient.  The treatments for this condition can vary widely, including but not limited to: a number of different types of medication; manual therapy with a good therapist (physio/chiro/oseto); gentle progressive exercise; mirror therapy; mental imagry; contrast bathing and the list goes on.  You really need to find a good manual therapist and in the physiotherapy world this type of problem is best sorted out by a ‘musculoskeletal physiotherapist’.  They have extra training in the field of diagnosing and treating these types of problems.  I hope this helps.  Good luck, Jono.

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