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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I manage pancreatitis on a daily basis?

    I am 61 years old with pancreatitis. Please advise me on my diet and lifestyle.
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    Samantha is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD), consultant and food and nutrition enthusiast. Samantha works in a private practice on the Central Coast, NSW, Rostant … View Profile

    Pancreatitis is different for every individual and a health professional/GP should be consulted before beginning any treatments. An Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) can assist with ensuring that your diet meets your nutritional needs while still managing your condition. You can find your nearest APD on the Dietitians Association of Australia website at

    Depending on the type of pancreatitis you have (eg. acute or chronic) and your overall nutritional/health status, treatment can vary (eg. if you have been losing weight unintentionally you may require a higher energy/protein diet). For some people, following a low fat diet can assist with managing some of the symptoms associated with pancreatitis. However, if you're losing weight unintentionally following a low fat diet may make the situation wore (thus, talking to a Dietitian would greatly benefit you).

    Generally, avoid alcohol consumption. Enjoy a variety of nutritous foods from the 5 core food groups and exercise regularly (at least 30 minutes everyday):

    1. Vegetables: aim for at least 5 serves per day
        -  1 serve = 1/2 cup cooked vegetales or 1 cup of salad
    2. Fruit: aim for 2 serves per day
        - 1 serve = 1 medium sized fruit (eg. banana, apple etc), 2 smaller fruits (eg. kiwi fruit etc)
    3. Dairy Products: aim for 3 serves per day
        - 1 serve = 1 cup milk or 200g yoghurt etc
    4. Meat: aim for 2 serves per day
        - 100g red meat (~ 1/2 cup mince), 120g chicken, 150g fish, 2 eggs etc
    5. Breads/Cereals/Rice: aim for 5 serves per day
        -  1 serve = 2 slices of bread, 1 bread roll, 1 cup pasta/rice, 1 cup cereal etc
    6. Aim for 6-8 glasses of water 
    Samantha Ling
    Rostant Nutrition
    (Find us on faceook at )

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