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  • Shared Experiences

    Admitting to yourself that you have depression

    it took me a long time to admit to myself that i have depression. i found myself getting really low and upset quickly, majority of the time it was for no reason and at nothing. i developed seperation anxiety with my boyfriend, where he would leave for work in the morning, just step out the front door, and i would miss him so much that it depressed me.
    it also gets to a certain time at night where i cant make myself get excited or happy or sad, i would just be empty.
    it took me a long time to admit to myself that i have depression. other people could see it, and said something, and i just pretended it wasnt true. they told me that the only way i was going to get better was to go see a doctor, and go on anti-depressants, but i didnt want to see a doctor, and i didnt want the fake happiness from the tablets. instead, i had a tickle fight with my boyfriend, and i listened to cheerful, happy music i could dance to. it sometimes helps
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