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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How will a pacemaker affect my daily life?

    A few weeks ago, I received a pacemaker implantation to control my arrhythmia. Are there any activities or things I need to avoid? Can I still exercise regularly?
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    Dr Michael Davis

    Cardiologist (Heart Specialist)

    Electrophysiologist and pioneer in catheter ablation and in the management of atrial fibrillation. Expertise in arrhythmia device therapy, coronary care, echocardiography. View Profile

    Very few if any things need to be avoided just because you have a pacemaker. Many current devices are even compatible with MRI scanners (ask about yours). Arc welding is usually best avoided because the high amplitude electrical interference signal can be misinterpreted by the pacemaker as your heart beating and pacemaker output can be inhibited with possible loss of consciousness. However, with precautions even this is possible. There are some precautions which should be taken with airport screening, theftbdetection devices etc and this should have been outlined for you in the booklet you would have been given at the time of your pacemaker implantation.

    Absolutely you can keep exercising and should do. However, what activities you can participate in may be limited by your underlying heart disease and you should discuss this with your cardiologist.

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