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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    When does the Pregnancy Test usually become positive?

    I've missed my period and have taken a home test which was negative, do i need to wait a bit longer for a proper result? I am only 4 days overdue?
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  • Karin is a Research Fellow at the Jean Hailes Research Unit at Monash University and Senior Research Officer at the Victorian Assisted Reproduction Treatment Authority.Karin … View Profile

    If you have regular periods a pregnancy test that you buy at the chemist would be positive about a week after the date you expected your period. A blood test would detect oregnancy hormone even earlier.

  • Maria Nguyen

    HealthShare Member

    I know that some pregnancy test can determine a pregnanyc as early as 5 days before your expected period date. Try to buy an early response pregnanyc test. But alsi it can be that your do not have enough pregnancy hormones for the test to determine. Of course, only blood test can determine if you are pregnant or not. 

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    I'm a Sydney GP with a special interest in women's health especially menopause and TTC ( trying to conceive). I specialise in acupuncture, and am … View Profile

    If your periods are usually regular, the pregnancy test should have been positive by now. If unsure, see your GP for a blood test which is the most accurate. He or she can also advise on possible reasons why your period is overdue.

  • Devin Elder

    HealthShare Member

    Pregnancy tests do become positive when the fetus has close to the uterine wall and connects with the mother's blood system, no matter whether it's a blood or urine test. When the fertilized egg implants into the endometrium which generally take place after 9 days it will show positive result. Remember that different pregnancy tests have different sensitivities; you have to choose right IVD kits that have higher sensitivity to determine the pregnancy symptoms.

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