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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Will dieting help me lose weight?

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  • Arlene is a registered practising dietitian, with a private practice in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, and has built a strong business over the last … View Profile

    You have to stop dieting and make it a lifestyle. To lose weight you have to change your eating and eercise patterns . To maintain your weight loss you have to maintain the new eating and exercise patterns so they become habits. Losing weight is hard work. I do not suggest you go on any fad diet as you will lose weight quickly but you will not maintain it. You lose both muscle and fat, and when you regain the weight you regain fat - consequently yoyo dieting leads to slowing of the metabolism.

    Reduce your portion sizes and eat regular  meals. Make better food selections eating lean protein, veges and salad, low fat dairy an fruit.  If you are not sure of the quantities you should be eating you should contact a dietitian for a consultation. Try and exercise for an hour each day - this not only speeds up your metacolism and build muscle, but it also makes you feel better. Energy in vs energy out - so if you burn more calories than you eat you will lose weight. If you go onto my wesite you can look at some sample menus.

  • Anthony Berrick


    Arlene is right. In fact, some studies have found that ‘dieting’ actually predicts weight GAIN in the long run. Losing weight and keeping it off requires a change of lifestyle for good.

    Unfortunately, it can be extremely difficult to change a lifetime of bad habits. If you're having trouble making the changes Arlene has suggested (which I know I would!), you might find it helpful to talk to a psychologist - psychologists are experts in helping people change their behaviour.

  • Lisa Renn


    Lisa is an APD with 12 years experience, specialising in helping people identify and change habits that impact negatively on their health. Inspiring change, Lisa … View Profile

    Hi there,
    One thing that I find really helpful for people to understand is that “dieting” is short term, sustainable weight loss is a long term endevour so it's no surprise the two don't go hand in hand and lots of  fad diets = weight gain in the long term.
    As Arlene mentioned it's a new lifestyle you need to create but you also need to become aware of the things that are causing weight gain or preventing weight loss. How do your thoughts and habits contribute to this?

    How much weight are you trying to lose? It's really important to set realsitic goals when it comes to weight loss- research tells us this is 5-10% of our body weight. This means if you are 100kg if you can lose 5-10kg, and keep it off, you are doing really well.

    Sometimes we set ourselves for failure as we aim for things that are not achievable. An Accredited Practising Dietitian can help you get your thoughts, habits and food choices all working together for sustainable weight loss.
    Good Luck!

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