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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How worried should we be about the coronavirus?

    People seem to be starting to panic about the coronavirus.
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    Dr Amandeep Hansra

    GP (General Practitioner)

    It is important to stay calm and listen to advice from health authorities, as panic can sometimes cause more harm than good. Most people who develop symptoms from the COVID-19 virus experience a mild flu like illness.

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    Janis Lee


    I am a registered psychologist with more than 16 years’ experience working within the community sector. Over this time, I have supported people across the … View Profile

    As humans, our rituals and routines (i.e., going to work, uni, catching up with friends) allows us to maintain a sense of certainty about the present and the future. The arrival of COVID-19 has meant that we cannot always maintain our former rituals and routines, and information can change every day. To cope better with this uncertainty, create a new routine where you have a sense of purpose every day. Have different things planned so that you feel that you can be occupied. Talk to friends and family by phone and face-time, and check out Facebook options to feel a sense of community. Listen to the Government and the health experts, and maintaining a sense of hope and optimism is important.

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    Dr Matthew Thuy

    GP (General Practitioner)

    I am a GP with an interest in all aspects of general practice. I have significant experience in urgent care, the treatment of urgent, non-life … View Profile

    I wouldn't panic. We have a large number of health experts in our state public health departments doing their best to control Covid-19, from the most up to date information. Provided everyone follows recommendations Covid-19 can be controlled.

    Beyond Blue has some tips on coping with the pandemic which may be helpful.

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