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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Overwhelming grief at my partner's attitude against marriage

    How do I cope with grief at the prospect of not being married to the man I love?

    We’ve been together for 3+ years, living together for 2 years. I’m 30 years old, he’s 31 years old. Our relationship has been overall healthy and loving. Non-religious marriage is important to me and I want to plan a family. He says he wants to have children with me but he’s dismissive of the institution of marriage. When we discussed it 2 years into the relationship he expressed willingness to re-examine his attitude if it was so important to me. But it’s come up repeatedly over the past year with increasing intensity, he hasn’t budged and now I’m in crisis. He says my timeline is outrageously too fast and he needs more time.

    The ‘issues’ he says he’s ‘working on’ change week by week, and he won’t communicate with me. He suggested we go to couples counselling and we booked a session. But meanwhile, how do I deal with the daily feelings of abandonment and panic?
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