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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How do I know that it is essential for me to use a CPAP machine?

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    I am a 66-year-old male, I feel sleepy during the day and I snore during sleep. I did a sleep test and my sleep efficiency without a CPAP machine was 86%, apnoea was 22/h, Nadir saturation was 84% and was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnoea.The doctor prescribed that I use a CPAP machine with 6 cm. I stopped snoring immediately when I used the machine, but during the day I am still feeling sleepy and tired. I have been on the machine for 3 weeks. Should I expect to feel better later on or is the feeling of being sleepy during the day not a result of sleep apnoea? Do I need to monitor my oxygen level all night or is this irrelevant? Could being sleepy be related to other reasons? Does sleep efficiency of 86% warrant the need for a CPAP machine? Is being sleepy during the day related to age, and do I need to do other tests to investigate this issue?
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